In the course of 2018, I wrote (and endlessly re-drafted) the scripts for three standalone one-shot comics. The first of these was The Little Deaths of Watson Tower, which came out in October and seemed to go over well. I won't list every reaction, as that's what my Twitter is for, but ending the year by placing #48 on Pipedream's indie comics top 100 list was a lovely capstone.
Anyway, that comic is still available, but I've now got the second one ready to go and it is called...

In the near future, the moon has been pressed into service as a warehouse for the vast data archive created by our constant internet use.
But now those billions of cat memes come under threat from a computer virus. Two astronauts must travel through this strange landscape to save them, completely alone apart from the passing thoughts of everyone.
This is a new twenty-page sci-fi/horror one-shot, atmospherically illustrated by Lucas Peverill (Futurequake, Sliced Quarterly) and lettered by DC Hopkins (Star Trek, Accel, Trespasser).
It's a spooky, darkly funny and ultimately emotional story combining Black Mirror's dark tech satire and The Martian's sincere battle for survival in space.
For anyone interested in reviewing the book, you can email me at
The comic debuts at the True Believers convention on February 2nd 2019, marking my first ever table selling at a comic convention. So if you're around Cheltenham that weekend and fancy buying some stuff, come on along.
And for anyone not in Cheltenham, it'll be on sale on my Gumroad shop in print and digital forms as soon as I get back from True Believers and press the go button.
If you want to see how convention prep is going, here is a sweet picture of me preparing my sales pitch. (And for anyone curious about the third of those one-shot scripts, you can see an art snippet by Robert Ahmad on the left of that banner.)